Mono Special Interest Group
Co-ordinator: Graham Kay - 0403 199 713 - Email grahambkay@gmail.com
Next ZOOM meeting to be held on 30th January 2025.
Email with ZOOM link to be sent 1or 2 days prior to the meeting to all members.
The Mono SIG meets approximately every 6-8 weeks via ZOOM. All members are most welcome to join in the fun, either as an observer or contributor.
A Zoom meeting link is sent to all club members prior to the meeting and everyone is most welcome.
The general format of the meeting is:
- Submission of 2 X RAW photos to be converted to Monochrome.
- 2-4 photos are then processed with inputs from the group.
- The submitted photos are made available for download by all in attendance.
- The individual group members/contributors, after creating their "masterpieces" then upload them to be reviewed and commented on by the group at the next meeting.
Ideas and suggestions abound with a very enjoyable learning process, both technically and practically.
See us on facebook

See the slide show below from our last Monochrome Competition - November 2024.